Brand Story
Wedgie co-founders, Mark Scholes and Hayley Evans, first met on the tropical island of Sri Lanka back in 2007. Somewhere in-between their 9 years of living on the island, they got married, adopted a street dog, and, as luck would have it, were introduced to a local fellow called Mahendra; a man who just so happened to own a bespoke wooden handcraft workshop.
And so, in 2014, the Wedgie ‘empire’ was born.

With the advantage of being near to where the products were made - just outside the capital, Colombo - this enabled Mark and Hayley to make regular visits to check on sampling and production.

The regular visits enabled Mark and Hayley to form close bonds with all the workers, all the while keeping a keen eye on working conditions and production quality.

Wedgie's chosen supplier has a long and rich history of working with wooden crafted products. Mahendra, and his team, have almost 25 years in the business, and they are still, to this day, heavily focused on empowering rural Sri Lankan communities.

With Wedgie's mainly western / pop-culture inspired characters, it was only a matter of time before a UK based office and distribution centre was opened.
Over the last few years, Wedgie has relocated our UK operations to Brighton, UK, and the rest as they say, is history. Wedgie is still staunchly independent, and has enjoyed a steady but organic growth over the years.
Wedgie now supplies over 100+ stores globally and has a strong on-line presence.
Wedgie is proud to be a part of the creative ethical shopping movement, with a passionate team, all enjoying being a part of this door-stop adventure.